Alviso Marina County Park

The one great thing about the time change is it means there is more light in the evenings… which means I can start evening hikes and runs again without having to worry about being caught in the dark with mountain lions, rattlesnakes, and strange people.

It’s not that I don’t like animals or strange people; it just means I can see danger coming and freak out dramatically.

The bad thing about the time change (as I discovered)… is that I can start evening runs again and realize that running outside on difficult terrain is a whole different beast from running inside on a treadmill. Even my weekly death by Capoeira class has done nothing to prepare me for running on sand, through the muck, and into blistering winds that stink like rotten fish.

Of course, I’m referring to Alviso Marina County Park. There are no mountain lions to worry about here… or even rattlers. There are, however, plenty of birds and flying foam everywhere (after reading The Last Unicorn I used to think that seafoam were the beginnings of unicorns).

The goal on this particular run was to head out to Drawbridge, take a couple of pictures, and run back.

Success? Not in the slightest.

After 30-minutes of running into the wind and on shitty terrain, I began to as myself, where the f**k is this supposed ghost town that is so close to Alviso? All I see is an ocean, cracked mud, and blistering sun. *Apparently* access to Drawbridge is from the other side of Coyote Creek… in Fremont (and not Alviso in San Jose).

That’s a completely different plan!

Still, the area is an *interesting* run with not a lot of people to look at struggling idiots like myself. And, there were a ton of bird bone piles to explore. It reminded me of my second archaeological dig.

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