Lessons in Ballet

As we stood an waited for our first ballet class amongst all the other little ballerinas, we noticed all the little girls looking neat and tidy in their costumes and perfectly plaited hair. All the moms looked like they’d just stepped out of a day spa with their perfect nails, make-up, hair and pedicures; all were calm and relaxed and kids were doing exactly as they were told.

On the other side of the room, I looked like I hadn’t slept in days (I haven’t) in my smelly running gear. La Niña had cracked blistery skin around her nose and mouth because the day before she sprayed Deep Cold Ice Spray into her already sensitive flu damaged face. She had holes in her tights from picking at them, it was almost impossible to get her to keep a pony tail in, and her brand new dress/body suit had already been through the washing machine because of a milk incident that I don’t want to talk about.

She was fidgety and wanted to do her supersonic-speed-demon-tornado routine (with a mix of Hindi dance) across the room. She also happens to be much taller than all the other girls — even those who are older than her.

When it was time for the parents to leave I gave her my “I’m- going- for- a- run- because- I- so- need- it” wave. She understood and rather than stand still and start her toe work, La Niña tapped her way around the room because she discovered that her ballet shoes make noise and began the tap tap tap of the La Niña rhythm.

I knew going into this that La Niña is not really ballerina material; and, I’m certainly not ballet mom material (lord help everyone if I have to make a costume). I honestly don’t know why tap / Hindi / jazz / Spanish / Irish / belly dancing don’t start sooner because I’m absolutely positive that a three year old could learn rhythm and something simple like the Honi Coles Stroll (think of how much fun stomping around the room loudly would be for a pre-schooler). But, for now we’re a part of the ballet world.

2 comments on “Lessons in BalletAdd yours →

  1. What’s even better is the recital is at the Jack Singer. Should be interesting — though I’ve always enjoyed watching the little ones at recitals. I don’t think there’s much in the way of expectations.

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